this page is dedicated to my adoration to the show gravity falls, crudeness modeled with love after my own personal interpretation as to what a site like this would have looked like based on a bunch of real world tourist traps the mystery shack was inspired by (1) (2) (3)

gravity falls one of if not the MOST important and treasured medias out there for me. since the moment it first aired, i was in love with it, and as i grew up with the show i just gained more and more adoration for it.

i'd try to shift it and pretend that its difficult for me to place why i love it so much, but it really isnt lol

gravity falls helped me through so much, and was there with me through my worst and most formative years. as most anxious kids growing up in the 2010s did, i saw so much of myself reflected in dipper, and he was almost 100% one of the reasons i realized i was trans. even to this day i look back on my kid self and still see myself and my sibling in him and mabel, and that attatchment to him really helped me get more confidence in myself, and helped me feel so much less alone with my anxiety and self-image problems growing up. i always felt like i had the means to persue my interests even with all the issues i had, and it really helped that i had pretty much the exact same interests as him. the relationship he had with ford always rang extremely dear and personal to me, and it reminded me a lot of what i have with my dad, which i think is something i still hold onto.

as an adult, i can't say i hold as strong of an attatchment to him as i do now, granted i am no longer a 12 year old, but i think i'll always hold on to a bit of that fondness for him the same way i do my own 12 year old self, in a weird way.

nostalgia has always been an extremely powerful emotion for me. in a lot of ways i would say its probably one of the emotions i feel the strongest connection to, and gravity falls really taps into that vat of gunk in my soul in a way no other shows have. i see myself, my familly, my passions, reflected back at me, i see the insecurities and fears i've grown past, i see the guilt i've felt from past mistakes, i see the simultaneous joy and misery i felt during summer break as a kid. the entire moral of the show itself, growing up, forgiving the people you love and healing from mistakes, treasuring memories you make without lamenting about how they've passed, it rings true to me louder than ever before now a-days, and it makes me feel such an intense love an adoration for what it means to be human, and what it means to love, as melodramatic as that sounds.

in a significantly less emotionaly intense sentiment, i can still see bits and pieces of it in the other things i do, even when i'm not actively fixated.
it is far from an exaggeration to say gravity falls shaped my already potent interests in paranormal science and tourist attractions. i grew up watching ghost hunting shows with my dad, and i remember plotting out the intense life journey i'd have to take to star in my own ghost hunting show, imagine my surprise when that's an actually scene in the show, lol as for tourist attractions, i was already fascinated by things like animatronics and theme parks. i grew up a beach town with a "tourist season", 30 minutes away from an even bigger, more tourist-ey beach city, and i was kind of obsessed with the tourist trap shops that were everywhere around me as a kid. that adoration held well until after i moved up north, and got even stronger when i visited the enchanted forest for the first time. even down to how potent the mystery aspect of the show, it shaped my love for ARGs and mysteries as a whole

i come back to this show almost every single year, even a decade later. i really do feel like its inseperable from the person i grew up into. I LOVE YOU GRAVITY FALLS!!!!!!!!!